What to Expect

As a Christ-centered fellowship of believers, we trust that when you come to Westmount Bible Chapel you will feel welcomed. We have a diversity of people at Westmount Bible Chapel in all seasons of life. These are some things you might expect as you come to worship with us Sunday morning:



At Westmount Bible Chapel the Word of God is taught through expository preaching. That means that on a regular Sunday morning, we will be engaged in a series where we are preaching through a particular book of the Bible. We go through the entire book of the Bible, verse by verse. Occasionally, during the summer and holidays, we mix in other short series or topics.



At Westmount Bible Chapel we sing songs of praise, worship, and adoration to our God using the language Paul articulates in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. On a typical Sunday morning, you will find a mix of Psalms which have been put to music, traditional hymns, and more contemporary spiritual songs. Each are filled with rich lyrics of theology and doxology.



At Westmount Bible Chapel we take part in the Lord’s Table every week. We eat the bread and drink the cup as accompanied by the reading of Scripture, prayer, and personal examination.



At Westmount Bible Chapel we invite you to gather with us a little bit early. Foundations of the Faith, our adult Sunday School, runs from 9:00am - 10:00am each Sunday morning. Foundations of the Faith covers a variety of matters in the Christian faith, ranging from Old and New Testament surveys to studies in hermeneutics to studies on who God is and what salvation entails.



At Westmount Bible Chapel we believe that the gathering of the saints should not be limited to just Sunday. Each Wednesday night we gather together in a more informal setting. We begin the evening with songs of praise, and a focused time of prayer. That is followed by a time of teaching and discussion, with topics ranging from themes arising from a Sunday’s pulpit message, through to a wide-range of contemporary issues. We end the evening in fellowship, encouraging one another in the Word and building relationships.



At Westmount Bible Chapel we believe it is important for Christians to identify with a local church through membership. Membership is important for a number of reasons. First, it demonstrates commitment to Christ’s Church. Also, it demonstrates commitment to the fellow saints, whereby the body of saints are built up and strengthened. Finally, it enables the elders of the church to recognize who is in their care and trust, as they give an account to the Lord for their oversight.